
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Going Green in a Toxic World!!

Hey all!  You all should know by know that I am on a mission to help families go green and get healthy!  Here is a great video that helps spread the word!!  Enjoy!

Going Green

WOW!!!  What did you think?
Now you know why I use Shaklee!! :)

I just want to share that with you all today!  That's all!!
Enjoy your day! :)
Bonnie :)


  1. Bonnie~
    I have been following for a while and I really appreciated your post today. Thanks for the info. I really would like some help from you on some products. I would really love to buy the whole line of cleaners, but I have to purchase a few things at a time due to my budget. I was wondering if you could do a post on the necessary basics. I would love to have a cleaner for the kitchen and anti-bact cleaner and I would love to have a super tile/bathroom cleaner. Could you please point me in the right direction?? I would really appreciate it!!!!

  2. Bonnie~
    I need to offer my apologies!!!!! I guess I have not noticed that you can click on the items you have going down the side of your blog and it takes you to that info!!!! Duh!!! I am sorry!!!! I found the info I was looking for!!!! You did a super job with all the product info and pics!!!! Thank you!!!! Now all I have to do is figure out what products I need/want, and then place an order!!!! Yay!!! Sorry to have bothered!!!! Keep up the super job you do and thanks soooooo much for sharing on your blog!!!!!

  3. Hi Kari! :)
    Thanks for your sweet comments! I am glad that you found what you are looking for. I am excited for you to make the switch!!

  4. Awesome discussion. Well, that is true. We must start using natural based cleaning liquids.
    salt lake house cleaning
