
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Organizing Jewelry

Hello!! :)  How are you doing today?  How was your weekend.  We went to the city yesterday and had a very much needed family day all day today which included games, food, reading and more!!

Thanks for all your sweet comments about my closet organizing post!!  Today,  I wanted to you how I organized all my jewelry.  I LOVE jewelry but I don't wear it as much as I would like because I am always holding a baby and it doesn't seem practical, ha!

I dedicated drawer into a jewelry drawer!

Here, I took some plastic containers from an old "RISK" game and added some bracelets in them.

I used the tops for some earrings.

I just placed my hoops here.

Here are some more earrings.

Here is some more bracelets. 

I also got the jewelry insert for my real jewelry.

I got these from my Grandma.

I put a lot of my long necklaces on a hanger so I can see them.

I put all my sunglasses in a bowl that I just picked my from a garage sale for 50 cents!  Score!!!

So, there it is, my organized jewelry!

I love my organized accessories!!

How do you organize yours?

Have a great day!

Bonnie :)


Go tell me how you organize your goods!

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  1. I have so much jewelry it is crazy! I have a jewelry armoire, I also have a hanging jewelry holder with pockets on both sides and some in boxes!!!! Love all your jewelry. XO, Pinky

  2. The drawer indeed helped in storing the jewelry in a more organized way. I noticed that there is also a lighting that accentuates the accessories. Proper lighting and storage can really do make or break the presentation of jewelry. It pays to not only concentrate on the jewelry, but also to where it’s placed.

    Cody Stephens
