
Monday, September 24, 2012

Free Family Night

Happy Monday!!! How was your weekend? What did you do? I would love to share an easy and free night we had with you. We are always trying to do fun, family activities and when they are free, they are that much better!

I really wanted to go out for dinner but I didn't feel like being inside with such a beautiful fall evening plus we are trying to cut corners where we can so I decided to bring an easy dinner to the park and have a picnic there.

We quickly cooked up some Trader Joe frozen pizzas and made our own organic popcorn. We grabbed some blankets and water bottles too and went on our way!

We had an amazing time eating and playing outside as a family!! It turned out to be a big hit with the kids too! We played tag and went for a walk after eating.

What is your favorite, free, family event?

Bonnie ;)

Here are some photos from the evening!