
Monday, October 22, 2012

Hall Bathroom Home Tour

Hello! :)

Thank you so much for all your Home Tour comments! 

I am exciting that you are enjoying this.

I changed my facebook page....

As you can probably tell by now, my style is SIMPLE!!  

Yup, that's how I like it.  

I have so much "busy" everywhere else that I like my home to be relaxing and stress relieving!  

I hate clutter!!!!

I only keep the a few things on the counter.

That door is to our linen closet.  It is pretty small but it works because I have a lot of cabinets and keep our towels and toilet paper out.

The shower curtain is from Target.

I love this old Longaberger Rack for my towels.  

Since, this is the kids' bathroom, I added some photos of them for our family trip to Florida!

I like the green springs for a fresh look!

I bought these towels at Target.  The pictures are off in color but they are blue and white.

Here is another view.

I added another plant and family photo!

I love this photo. :)

The clock is for looks only,  I am not even sure there is a battery in it, hehe!  Am I crazy???

That is my simple hall bathroom!

I love the space.

I am extremely happy with the turnout.

What do you like about your hall/kid's bathroom?

What is your kid's bathroom theme?

Have a great day!

I changed my facebook page....



  1. LOVE IT! WHere did you get that shower curtain?!

    1. THanks! I forgot to say that the shower curtain is from Target.
      Bonnie :)

  2. I love your space too! Simple is good!!! I have to tell you, that photo of your family on the beach together is just the most precious thing. I really want something similar for my family! Next time we go to the beach :) Have a great day Bonnie!

  3. We have the same shower curtain. I love it! :)

  4. YOur bathrom looks so calm and serene. Love the family photo. So sweet

  5. I'm all for simple. I have a house full of kids as well, and a clutter free style just makes life so much easier. Plus, it makes deep cleaning day so much easier!
