
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Pics

Happy Halloween!

To be completely honest, I am not a Halloween girl. 

I LOVE the fall but I am not into the witches and goblin kind of stuff.  

We do go trick-or-treating and the kids love that.  

We only for a couple of blocks and then give out all our candy.  

I always buy the "good candy" from Trader Joe's and the kids eat that instead.  

I hate all the sugar and artificial crap the put in stuff.  

Kids do not need that junk!

They actually have no problem swapping out candy.  We do it every year and they are used to it.

Do you go trick-or-treating?

How do you feel about the holiday?

How do you feel about all the candy?

What did you do tonight?

I wanted to share some photos of our night with you!

Grace was a sailor girl!  (I couldn't believe all the inappropriate girl's costumes in the stores.)  I thought this was cute and modest a different than the usual "princess" that she has been the past couple of years.

Michael was a Star Wars guy and Matthew was a little rocket.  He freaked out when we found that costume because currently he wants to be an astronaut when he grows up.   

And Andrew was a little monkey!!  I just love when babies are animals!

Baby's first Halloween!

 Matthew was always the last one to get the candy! :(

The kids loved racing house to house!  

He also got easily distracted. Lol!

We had our cousins come over and trick-or-treat with us.

I bought costumes for us to dress up but we ended up not using them so I will just save them for next year.  Did you dress up?

Yup, the candy is still there....just checking though!

One of our neighbor's had a jumpy out and were handing out hot dogs and hot chocolate!  They are so nice!!  

Andrew loved his stroller ride!

The kids loved everything!

Trying to catch up!

Happy Halloween!

After we went out, we came back home for chili and hot apple cider!  We ate with our cousins and talked with them until 8 or 8:30, did homework, got ready for All Saint's Day tomorrow, read books, and put the kiddos to bed!

Scott is studying for a mid-term tomorrow for his MBA so I decided to hop on the computer to catch up a bit.

What did you do tonight?

Bonnie :)


  1. Looks like you all had a lovely time! What precious memories you're making! Our kids our now grown. One son was working tonight but we participated in our church's Trunk or Treat program, and our other son was there and had a car as well.

    So we handed out candy and tracts and flyers to the precious children and their parents. All those little ones are so cute!

  2. We love Halloween!
    It is so much fun for our daughter and I remember loving it as a child.
    I do limit her candy intake after Halloween(she loves me for it, NOT! LOL)
    But I think it is so fun to watch all the kiddos and to see how much fun they are having!

    I agree on inappropriate costumes for kids, and parents who allow them!
    My 9 year old was a 50's sock hop girl for Halloween this year, it was adorable!
    Your kiddo's looked so dang cute :)

  3. Your kids had great costumes. I just love seeing what all the kids come up with. But I do agree, trying to pick one out for my 4 year old many inappropriate costumes ! I love the whole idea of Halloween, and I mostly love watching the kids have so much darn fun. But I despise the amount of candy involved. I was so thrilled last year, so many people gave out glow bracelet, apple juice boxes, sticker packs, pencils, small pads of paper, small games, was great. This year was back to all candy and one juice box. A lot of our candy 'disappears' in the first few days. I do try to remember to focus not so much on disliking the candy, as I do making memories for the kids.

  4. Growing up, I loved Halloween. My friends and I had so much fun picking out our costumes and getting lots of candy. We weren't much into the ghosts and goblins either. My daughter is not even two yet. She doesn't go trick or treating. I'm sure she'll want to go when she gets older though. I agree with you, we don't need the candy. That's a great idea to swap it out.

  5. Every picture of Matthew made me giggle. He is so cute and funny.

  6. I feel the same way, Bonnie. The girls' costumes make me angry, actually...and I don't understand why parents would put them in something like that. I love Grace's sailor girl costume, how cute was she??!!! :) My 5yo daughter is all into outer space and she would have gone bonkers over the rocket costume. :) Looks like you all had a great time!
