
Monday, October 1, 2012

Home Tour: Dining Room

Hello! :)  I am continuing on with my Home Tour! 

Today, I am sharing my dining room with you.

I like how my dining room looks.  I think it feels light, clean, and inviting!!

And it's SIMPLE!!!

I don't keep much too much in here and I like it that way.

I made the curtains, I bought the white table cloth and napkins at Target.  And everything else in the room in from my Mother-in-Law or from a garage sale.

I love these photos that we took in Florida.  I showed you how I hung these photos with command strips here.

I will be honest here and say that we never eat in here.  I do think we even need this room so I have some other ideas.

What is your dining room like?

Do you eat in there?

Do you use your dining room for a different use?

Bonnie :)

Have a great day,



  1. Pretty room! Those are beautiful photos of your children and look perfect in the room.

    We started a family tradition of eating in the dining room every Sunday night. It's a special meal and the kids look forward to it.... even if we end up making pizza. We also get out the china and crystal glasses I registered for when we got married many years ago. It's a fun tradition and I hope as they get older they come back Sundays with their families.

  2. We are going tot turn our dining room into a schoolroom. We only eat in there when we have guests.

  3. Hi Bonnie
    Your diningroom is very sweet. I like the way you have decorated it so simply and comfortably. I wonder why you don't use it?...never? I would if I were looks so welcoming.

    I do use my diningroom. I use it sometimes just for me but for sure when there is company. I use it for other purposes though as well....decorating my sugar cookies...sewing...doing other crafts. The only thing is always having to clear it afterwards.

    have a great day and for sharing.

  4. We use our dining room: Breakfast, school, lunch, dinner, folding laundry, teens playing on laptops at night. We used to live in a small small house and i think we are conditioned into thinking it is the only place to do these things:) I like it that way.

  5. Looks beautiful! Way to make a fantastic room and not spend much!

  6. Bonnie,
    Love your dining room. We try to eat in the dining room at least once a week and spend actual family dinner time together...(we have three daughters-one in college, one in high school and one in elementary, We have alot to talk about!! I love your site and get alot of ideas here-thank you for all your "training"! I am also a new Shaklee customer and so far loving the products. Keep up the great work!
    Kim in Williamsburg Virginia
