
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Our Team went to Vegas!!

I am so, so, so excited for this post!!!  I should add in another, "so" because that is how I am feeling.  

I am extremely happy for our team, or should I say family?  Because when you join our team, we really do become a family!!  

Our team has seriously some of the nicest, most genuine, thoughtful, and caring people ever!!  They are also dedicated, hard working, and driven!  (I love that about people!)  They motivate me daily!!  I could not ask for a better group to work with.  

There is no gossip, jealousy, or comparing in our team!!  We all have the same goals. We all want to help others, earn passive income, work from home, and love what we do!  One of our team's strengths is our amazing support system that we have!  Our team will always be there for you and that is what I love about them! 

You are in business for yourself but not by yourself! 

We all just got back from our Annual Global Conference in Las Vegas and all I can say is WOW!  I love to have fun and the energy there was out of control!!!  I love surrounding myself with motivated and successful people...and there were thousands of them there!!!

I want to share some photos (I took hundreds but you will only see a few today) with you!

I love this picture (see below) because...well, I will be honest, I am holding my biggest Tiffany Box ever!! LOL!  Shaklee loves to recognize your hard work and they know what I love, a big blue box (with a crystal plate in it but I am more excited about the box, haha) and walking across stage. Oh yes, I love the stage! Last year, in Washington D.C., I walk-uped up on stage 3 or 4 times and this year was about  6!  LOVE IT!!!  I don't know what it is but I just love the red carpet treatment and the recognition.  Sounds kinda crazy but boy it can motivate! HA!  

I also love that my hubby is right next to me.  When I first told him that I was starting a Shaklee Business, he rolled his eyes and said, "Ok, that will last about 2-3 weeks!"  He knew me too well!  I will be honest, I have never really "stuck" to anything long term before (except our family!) I usually lose motivation and go to the next thing but this time it was different!  I had already been using Shaklee's product since I was junior high and LOVED them!  I used Shaklee through all my pregnancies and nursing and knew the products were number one.  We felt amazing and they are doctor recommend!  

There was something deep inside me that told me I could do this,  I knew I could do it!  

At least I needed to give myself a fair chance.  I told myself that I had one year to make one thousand dollars.  (Not sure where that number came from but I thought that was a good place to start!)  I didn't fully understand the business but what better way to learn as you go!  And that is what I did.  (You can read my story here and my trip to the earned New Director's Conference HERE!)  Of course, my hubby is completely on board now!  (He even watched our 2 month old for me in husband ever!)

Here I am about to hug and get recognized by our Shaklee CEO, Roger Barnett, on stage in front of thousands of people!!  If you have been following along for a while now, then you know I have met him several times and he is the nicest and smartest man ever (besides my hubby, of course!) I love watching and learning from him!

  Do you want to know what I loved more than going up on stage? 

Seeing our team go on stage!! 

YES, we had 6 people/couples get recognized on stage!!! I am so proud of them!  We had 13 people attend and we already have 19 people registered for our next Global Conference in Nashville!  

This is Jaima, from Ring Around the Rosies!  She is one of our top leaders who is succeeding and growing at rapid speed!  She walked across the Vegas Stage and rocked it!! I am amazed at her leadership and determination to grow personally and finically!

Prior to joining Shaklee, my family was going $450 further in debt each month, and I was suffering from major depression. I desperately wanted to be able to stay at home with my daughter, but didn't think I would be able to much longer. That's when I came across the opportunity and found Project Dream. In 14 short months, I exceeded ALL of my goals, I'm able to make a full time income from home now, and combined with Shaklee's income, the resources that Project Dream provides has allowed my family to pay off $40,500 in debt in 10 months! We are finally making our dreams come true, and not just wishing for them! ~Jaima Schutt

This is Erin, from! She has an amazing health and business story!  She is a strong and compassionate leader who works hard.  She was recognized for 2 categories!  I am so proud of her. She went from being in the hospital and working nights to working at home and paying off $39K in 13 months!

This is Jennifer, from Blissfully Ever After!  She is amazing!!  She is one smart, savvy, business women!  The camera loved her family!!  She brought her husband and son with her! She also had some of her team in Vegas!  Woohoo! 

Prior to working with Project Dream, I was working nearly 50 hours a week outside the home. My husband travels a lot with his job so we were barely spending the time together we deserved. Our health was dragging, I was overweight, depressed, and went through life with a bad outlook. After joining Project Dream and in just one year my entire life changed! I found out I was pregnant and made the decision to become a work at home Mom. This was the best decision I ever made! My husband and I have paid off over $25,000 in debt, we were able to purchase our SUV in CASH, and are working to pay off our mortgage! I now make a full time income working part-time hours from home, am the healthiest I’ve ever been, lost 65 pounds, and fell back in love with my Husband all over again! If you are looking for a positive change, better health, and additional income, Project Dream will help you do this like it did for me and my family. ~Jennifer Mead

What a cute Shaklee family!!

This is my sister, Elizabeth! I am very proud of her!  I is growing her business and making things happen!  She is a cosmetologist and shares Shaklee with her clients.  She also received a Tiffany Box and was recognized on stage!

Here are my parents!  (See, I told you we all become one big happy family, lol!)  They introduced me to Shaklee 13 years ago when my Mom was looking for a laundry product that works and save money! She got our family "hooked!" They were on stage too!

This is Claire, from and her family!  Actually, they went on a road trip...for a year!  They are following their dreams!!!  They bought an RV and are traveling the country together as a family this year and loving it!  You can see when she visited us here!

Prior to working becoming a brand product partner Shaklee and Project Dream, I was getting daily headaches, overweight and drowning in debt. Since joining Bonnie's marketing team last year with Project Dream I have increased my income, lost weight, got off my allergy meds, saved money on my household products and paid off over $15,000 in debt. It blows me away! Bonnie is a motivating and encouraging and visionary leader. I am so grateful to have found her. ~Claire Leighton

I love this picture of Erin and me!

Here is a picture of the strip!

The Conference was unreal and fun!!!  

Here we are with Roger again!! :)  LOVE THIS PIC!

Did you know that we are the number one natural nutrition company?!?!  Yup, we are used by used by doctors, nutritionists, personal trainers, the Olympic athletes, in the White House, by the Astronauts, and millions of people all oner the WORLD!

The Olympians love Shaklee!! 

  • 7 of TIME-LIFE BOOKS' 25 Greatest Adventures of All Time have been powered by Shaklee products
  • Shaklee products have powered elite world-class explorer, Will Steger, on 4 internationally acclaimed Artic expeditions
  • 54 Olympic gold medals won by Shaklee powered world-class athletes
  • Shaklee powered athletes including the U.S. Ski and Snowboarding Team, pentathlete Eli Bremer, wakeboarder Darin Shapiro, water skier Michelle Simpson, swimmer Carly Piper, LPGA golfer Reilley Rankin, and softball player Jessica Mendoza rely on Shaklee nutritional products everyday for optimal performance.

Here is Jennifer's and my husband with our babies!!!  What great, supportive men!

We have such an amazing team! :)  We all come from different states, backgrounds, and are different ages but we all love owning our own business while helping others!

This is Alli from, Raising Daisies, and she is an amazing Wife, Mother, animal lover, student and business owner.  We are so happy to have her on our team.

Here is a fun girl shot!

Meet Alex, from Happy, Healthy, & Domestic.  She is a beautiful young Mom who loves spending time with her family! She is a great cook and crafter!

Usually, we do our team meetings over the phone but it's great when we can all get together (especially when eating Mexican!!!)

Casino night... sure!

We also hung out in a private, poolside cabano at the Wet Republic!  This was so fun!!!  We attended the VIP Future Leader Event and that was a party!

Go Alli!

Yup, 2 month old in me crazy, but he was amazing!!!  (He will NOT be going back though, lol!  No place for kids- or adults for that matter!  We stood clear of all the bad stuff!)

Getting ready for the stage!

We are already planning our next year's free trip on a Caribbean Cruise.

Another "meeting"!!

Again, I am so grateful to have my husband's (Scott) support!  I couldn't do this business without him!

YAY!  I love this picture of us under the Star for the Star Achievers!  (So what if we closed it off for a picture, lol, Oops!)

My husband and I were also asked to model Shaklee's new clothes line so I jumped all over that!  

Here is my hubby.  I bet he never thought he would be modeling Shaklee gear on stage in Vegas in front of thousands of people, lol!!  He does anything for me! :)  Love him!

Here I am 2 months after having my fourth baby!  When they asked me to model, you better believe I was using our weight loss, protein, smoothies.  (safe to take while nursing)

I can show you a ton more but I think that is enough!  We had an amazing time and I am so proud of our team!

We were also featured in this video....

Currently, I am expanding my business and looking for serious health & wellness lovers that want to change their life in 2013 by becoming a Gold Ambassador with my brand partner.  

If you are interested, please apply here!

Have a great day!

Bonnie :)

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