
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Our weekend!

I don't want to talk about Friday. It was a horrific event and I have cried over and over again as I am sure you have too! My prayers go out to everyone affected. I don't know what to do but I do know that our time with our kids is precious and I want to spend as much time with them as I can and I also want to do my best job as I possibly can in raising them. I am not perfect (non of us are) but I just want to make even more special moments with my kids and (like my priest at church said,) "do better!" Yes, I want to do better!!

This weekend, I made sure to spend as much time with them as I could. That's all they really want anyway, isn't it?

We watched Christmas movies while eating popcorn, colored, read books, played Legos, had family over for an little, early Christmas, made hot chocolate, decorated a gingerbread house, cut out snowflakes, went to church, talked with friends after church, slept over at our new house for the first time and just talked together!

I will continue to do better! Everyone can!

I am behind on my shopping, the house is a mess, my Christmas cards have been sitting on the counter for 2 weeks and I still haven't updated my addresses, etc, etc. Those things were not as important to me this weekend.

I think it is important to slow down and soak up this season with our families.

How are you handling things?

Here are a few photos from our weekend.

Bonnie :)


  1. Are the pictures with the gingerbread house taken at the new house? The kitchen looks lovely! xo

  2. my feelings exactly. My heart hurts for those families, but I'm focusing my positive energy on my family. They need me more than ever. Merry Christmas Bonnie!

  3. Beautiful family, Bonnie. I personally feel these times call for simpler posts with an acknowledgement of what is going on in Connecticut by sharing our sorrow. When we continue on immediately after without a thought about the tragedy on our blogs, it seems kind of shallow. In a way, I feel we have a responsibility as "public" spokespersons. With that said, I so appreciate your words and sharing your family moments!

  4. Well written post. Tragedies like this always make me take a step back and reevaluate my busy life. Slow down. Take time with the kids. Look at them, play with them, listen to them, just be with them. Your right, it's simple playing that they love from us. Not gifts, fancy christmas's, it's time and memories. Those things were taken away from so many on Friday. So needlessly. Those news clips and those families will forever be in my heart.

  5. I cannot even imagine what those parents are going through. I bust out in tears anytime I say anything about what happened. Tonight our girl scout troop made snowflakes to send to the new school the children will be going to (I did NOT tell the girl scouts why we made them - I left that up to the parents after the fact, if they choose). It feels good to be able to do something, but was still bittersweet making them. :(
