
Sunday, September 9, 2012


I hope you had a great day becuase it was awesome outside! It was sunny and warm with just the right amount of wind. What did you do? Are you a football fan? My husband enjoys watching the games but I have no interest in any sports, lol!

My Mom invited us to go there today to watch the game, eat chili and hang out so thats what we did! It was fun to see the family and watch the kids play together.

On our way home, we stopped off at my husband's grandma's house and she got to meet Andrew for the first time.

We had a great weekend but honestly am not ready for the week. I should be making their lunches right now and I know I will regret not doing them tonight but I just want to relax a little before bedtime.

How was your weekend? Are you ready for the week?

Bonnie :)

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