
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Declutter in 5 Minutes {guest post}

Hello! :)  I am so, so, so excited to share this new blogger and personal friend with you.  Michelle is here today to share her story how she saved on the grocery bill!  She is a very passionate and loving wife and Mama!  She is a hard worker with lots of talent and wants to share all of it with you on her blog.

As a full-time working mommy, who is also markets health and wellness products part-time in the nooks and crannies of our life, I need a home that is clutter-free.  It's especially important because I work both jobs out of my home and have a less than 1100 sq ft home! And I might be a bit of a neat freak...but my husband is NOT, nor do I expect him to change on account of my likes :) This was a HUGE undertaking for me to commit to 31 days because I work days, my husband works evenings, so I really don't have much time to clean.  However, I promise you that even thought it seems overwhelming at first, now that I'm on my third day I feel like my whole house is completely doable to become decluttered!! And it's much easier to keep a decluttered space clean, as long as you have proper organizing materials and tools. 
Whether you work full-time, part-time, are a full-time student or a stay at home mommy, follow my series and I can help you with with your decluttering needs!  In addition, everyone has financial clutter.  I can help you with that too! 

I don't think I realized until today that this whole area was a problem area! It took up three days of decluttering, but that is what 31 Days of Declutter is all about-taking just five to twenty-some minutes a day to declutter your home in baby steps.  So, without even realizing it, I took one whole area, broke it down to smaller areas, and tackled them one at a time. And today was the final smaller area.  You will see the total area below!

Remember the boxes I used yesterday for the magazines and books?

I used the middle box to store our wedding and baby cards that I previously had just sitting in gift bags, which are not very cute when used as home decor.  

I put my paper shredder back over by my full-time job working space where it belongs.  Then I hid the lampshade behind my plant stand.  If you look closely, you can still see it.  But, I really have no place to put it right now, and it's pretty well hidden.  Sometimes you just have to be creative for the time being ha ha! And then I put the dog bed on top of his kennel for storage, and then if he wants ot lay on it, I will lay it back down on the ground for him.  I like his doggy bed, I purposely picked out colors that would look good with our decor.

So here it is! The final decluttering done.

While decluttering this space, I found a safety pin. 

If you didn't catch my Organizing a Small Laundry Room/Space blog, click here.  Then it will make sense that I had this to put the safety pin in!

Reusing glass jars is a GREAT way to create functional decor! And keep your home decluttered at the same time.

Here is the entire area that I have now decluttered in three days. 

Well...almost decluttered...

Until I tackle decluttering the decor on my walls, those will stay for the time being.  Well actually, it could use some straightening, and perhaps I could find a cute way to cover them for now...hmm...see what else you accomplish by doing 31 days to declutter??? You find more areas you can declutter and straighten that you overlooked every day :)

Happy decluttering!

And if you are just starting, here is Day One and here is Day Two.  You can also follow along on my menu on the right.  Just click what day you are on to get some great tips and ideas, pick your cluttered area, and get started!

What are you going to declutter today?

Thanks so much for sharing Michelle!!  Isn't she great?  What did you like about this?

Have a great day!

Bonnie :)


  1. I use the 5 min declutter plan all the time. It's one of the simplest deep cleaning plans to use. I love how just a few minutes can make such a difference. I feel "clearer" mentally too, knowing I have less junk.

  2. Michelle, living in a smaller space definitly forces a girl to declutter! My husband and I moved out of our 1600 square foot home into a 900 square foot condo (read about it here: and it was organizationally the best thing we've ever done! I work from home and my husband has his own business so the 5 minute rule has really worked for us! Thanks for sharing this!
