
Monday, October 8, 2012

Moving soon

It's almost midnight but I want to update you with our moving plans!

We are moving this Saturday!!!

I can't believe it!!!

We sold our house after being on the market for 2 months.

I want to share the whole story with you but I can't right now... but basically, the house we are buying is not ready yet so we need to move into a rental home for a while.... Not ideal.... But it will be worth it! Scott and I laugh at ourselves sometimes because we do the craziest things sometimes and we know it, but our dreams are huge!!!

Did you ever have to do a double move? With a baby and 3 other kids, I am hoping the transition will be okay for them but all the kids are excited and they really feel included in this move.

Here are some pictures of us packing and getting ready for the big day!

Have a great day!

Bonnie :)

{oh, I am looking for a new washer and dryer! I asked on Facebook and got a ton of opinions but I am still not sure which ones are the best! Which set do you have? What do you like/dislike about it? Thanks}


  1. YES - we have had to live in an apartment or short term rental on two occasions while waiting for a new (or new to us) house to be ready. The first time we had just two babies and had moved 1400 miles away and had no family or friends nearby. That was rough. The second time we only moved a few miles, but had 4 kids ages 4 and under. It was logistically difficult to juggle the kids while packing and moving, but easier than our cross-country move was. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. Congrats!

  2. I just had a friend move from the East coast to Las Vegas with three boys under the age of 7. Their house wasn't ready and they lived in an extended stay hotel for 3 months while waiting. She posted the boys "first day of school" photo from the hotel lobby... It might get weird, but it will pass. Hang in there!

  3. Oh my! i have lived in my house 16 years ans recently totally remdeled so I'm not going anywhere! Theter thing is that whoever bought your house is so lucky! I've seen what good care you take of your home and oh so clean! Can't wait to see your new digs.

  4. So exciting! If anybody can handle this, you and Scott can!

  5. We're about to enter the same boat! Closing on a house one month before we have are second baby! :) We'll close, move, un pack and try to get setteled all before #2 arrives. Some people think we're crazy too, but we just know that God has it all under control! :) Best of luck w/ all your moving!

  6. Oh boy, so crazy. Sorry you'll have to do the double move. Been there and it's not fun. 2 years ago our apartment lease was coming to an end and we still hadn't heard about closing on our house, so we found a rental nearby and just rented the truck for a week (back when all our stuff fit in one Uhaul truck). We left most everything except the essentials in the truck, slept on an air mattress, and took cold showers for a week before we closed. Hopefully your situation is nothing like ours was. :D Good luck.

  7. Good luck on your move! That stinks that you have to do a double move...we did that once while waiting for our new home to be built and after
    6 months, we were thrilled to finally get in our new home. We stored most of our stuff so it was pretty hard for those six months but so worth it.
    It will be hard with the four kids, but I am sure they'll do just fine. If Momma and Daddy are happy, the kids will be too. Love that your dreams are huge:)That's exciting!

    Let us know what type of washer/dryer you choose. I'll be in the market for them early next year and I've been reviewing them. I love the looks of the front loaders however so many people complain about the mold issues, leaking issues, etc. I live in an apartment and they provide the w/d currently. They supplied me with a new Whirlpool energy efficient washer that worked great that I liked. Prior to that, I had my own Maytag set that worked great, never needed repair and lasted forever (I sold it when I changed apartments.)That was before Maytag was purchased by someone else so now I am not sure what brand I would purchase. I am moving next year myself and will be purchasing a new set.

  8. We have the Whirlpool Cabrio set and absolutely love them! The washer is a top loader that works like a front loader and holds lots of laundry. One secret is to use powdered detergent in the He washers because the liquid makes your washer smell after a while. Good luck on the big move!!

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