
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I am thankful!

I have been loving all the "thankful" posts on Facebook lately!!!

I love positivity and finding the good in every situation.

Today, I wanted to share some things I am thankful for.

I am thankful for God, my husband and family!

I am thankful that I can stay at home with my boys!

I am thankful that my husband works hard for us!

I am thankful that my husband supports me and my business!

I am thankful for our school!

I am thankful for the beautiful trees!

I am thankful for our health!

I am thankful for many things today, especially God's plan for us!

What are you thankful for?

Here are some pictures that make me thankful!!

Have a great day!

Bonnie :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this post sis and thankful for alot of the same things!! :)
