
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Organized Entryway

I am taking the Organize Now! Organizing Challenge with some other bloggers and this week we are organizing our entryway!!

If you have been reading for a while now, then you know that we just moved in.

Usually, I am the kind of person that has everything organized and decorated right away but this time things are going a little slower.  

Why?  Well it could be that I have 4 kids and a business.  

Basically, I know that I can't do it all so I am actually putting my house on the back-burner for a few months.  

I unpacked everything and found a home for each item but I am not hanging much or buying anything new for a while.

There is no rush!  I will be here for a while.

I am really into goals and goal setting!  (Having your own business will do that to you!)

I plan out my year in quarters.  It helps my brain and it keeps me from going into overwhelm mode.  

So, my house goals for the first quarter of the year (end date: March 31st) is to paint and  have everything unpacked and organized.

I don't mean color coordinating everything and making everything "pinterest" ready.

I mean, feeling good and in control of the clutter.  

There is always room and time to make things better but that is not my goal for this season in my life. 

I want my home to flow and be orderly.

I want to be able to find everything.

I want to get rid of the extra.

That is where I am at....and it feels great!  No pressure! :)

The second quarter of the year, I will start decorating with what I already have, the garage and my garden.  

I am not sure about the 3rd and 4th quarter yet.  I will reevaluate as it gets closer.

Back to the challenge!

Today, I am sharing our entryway.

I did not buy anything yet.  I am using what I have and keeping it simple.

This is our entryway!

I absolutely love and can imagine all the cool things that I will do to it but right not I added a little table, lamp, shoe mat, and a rug.

I already had all those things and it totally works!

I will add personal touches on the walls and hooks on the wall behind the door.  

Also, it needs a mirror so I can check my teeth before I leave.  (Yes, I am crazy like that! Anyone else?)

The table is actually an extra end table but I like it so I put it there.

I already had the lamp too.  Sometimes, we put our coat on the banister. 

We actually use or garage door entryway the most.

The door on the right leads to the garage, on the left we have a small coat closet and that's where we keep a lot of our stuff. (I forgot to take a picture of the inside but you know what they look like.)

The house came with some hooks on the beadboard so we use those.  They are not totally my style but the work great! 

This picture is kind of messy but that is how it looks on most days.  When the kids come home from school, they will add their jackets and backpacks too.

I think every entryway should have some sort of hooks.  

I plan on added a ton more because hooks make life easier.  

Who likes using a hanger??  

I know my kids hate hangers and I don't want to hang their stuff up for them all the time so this system works for us.

I also think you should have a place for shoes.  

How are you doing with your organizing?  

Happy organizing!

Bonnie :)

Thanks for reading, your next step is to follow on Facebook!  See ya there :)


  1. I love the entry way. What color is hat on the walls??

  2. I think a good entry way makes such a difference in how a home runs and flows. I also have 4 kids and my own business. One of the first things I set up when we moved last year was the entry way. A place for shoes, backpacks, jackets, etc. It's also always at the top of the list when the green housekeeping service comes.

  3. I have a gorgeous set of replica eames hooks that i am dying to use near our entryway, but ours is no where near the size of yours, so I'm not quite sure where to put it so it doesn't become cluttered and in the way - I might just have to relegate it to guest use only!
