
Monday, February 25, 2013

Meet Bonnie

I just updated my "Meet Bonnie" page so I thought I would share here too!  Don't forget to subscribe NOW because my blog is moving very soon.

Welcome!  I'm Bonnie Donahue

My goal is to add more value to your life by sharing my tips and secrets to improve your family, home, health, & freedom. Translation?

  • You are a motivated mama looking for a change.
  • You want to be a good example for your kids.
  • You want to feel energized, passionate, & alive again.
  • You want to do good in this world.
  • You want to get organized but don't want to spend all day doing it.
  • You want to do something for yourself and not feel guilty.
  • You want to create a greener and more natural environment for your family.
  • You want to have fun and enjoy this season of your life.
  • You want to be recognized for all that you do.  You deserve it!
  • You are a positive person and want to share what you offer.
  • You want to connect with others who get you.
  • You want to start your own business and still be a mom.
  • You want to do it all & have dinner ready by 6pm. 

1984. I was born in May.

1999. I met my husband (Scott) & fell in love.

2002. I graduated high-school. Earned several Personal Training Certificates. Worked full-time as a Personal Trainer. I love helping women get their body back. Got engaged.

2003. We got married.  We lived with my Mother-in-Law.

2004. I got my Associates Degree in Exercise Science & Kinesiology. We bought our first condo.

2005.  I was hot (as in sweaty), hungry, & happy. I had my first born, Grace in June.

2006. We lived with my cousins while my husband completed an internship during the summer. Moved back to our condo. Started building a home. Then we lived in my husband's grandma's condo while our house was being built.  My husband graduated as an Electrical Engineer.  (He's the smarty pants in the family.)

2007.  Along came #2...  Michael was born in April.  We closed and moved into our house 3 days after he was born.

2008.  Became pregnant...again! Changed lots of diapers. Washed a lot of laundry.

2009.  Matthew entered the world in February. I read my first blog in September. I started my blog that same day. A new world started for me.

2010. I started my business. I cleaned... a lot.

2011. Got away alone with my hubby. I took my first plane ride by myself to California, and was awarded on stage in Washington D.C. & Texas.  Celebrated 8 years of marriage. I broke my foot and got pregnant again. My business exploded.  I earned more part-time from home with 3 kids than when working full-time. Vacationed in Florida.

2012.  Finished off our basement. Vacationed in Mexico.  Met a lot of my marketing team in May. Andrew was born in June. We decided to move again.  Sold our house, moved into a rental and purchased a short sale. My business jumped with leaps & bounds. I was award on stage in Las Vegas. Enjoyed a free vacation to Mexico. My husband started his Master's program.

2013.  Living & loving life with a passion. Helping women look and feel like supermodels.  Showing other moms how to dream again.  Blogging all about it. Loving each day!

I drive a mini-van.
I love my music loud. 
I love ridiculously big sunglasses.
I love to laugh.
I might become a vegetarian soon.  I am trying it out to see how I feel.
I drink a protein smoothie everyday (sometimes twice a day).
I am the oldest of 12 children.  Yup, it's true.
My husband is an only child.
I eat organic dark chocolate.
I don't like alcohol but pretend I do so people think I am cool. Lame...I know.
I am obsessed with pomegranate energy tea.
I love to motivate others.
I hate sugar and love stevia. 
I drink with a straw.
I have a love/hate relationship with running.  Right now, I hate it.
I am late...a lot.  I am working on it.
I love things that sparkle.
I dye my hair blonde. 
Negative people really bother me.
I hate numbers.  Good thing I married a smarty pants.
I love to read about health, business, & religion.
I don't watch T.V..  We don't even have cable.
I love chick flicks on the weekend.
I love learning new things.
I am going to start my first garden this year.
I love Mexican food.  Who doesn't?
I love clear, plastic bins.
I can't stand when my hair is in my face.
I love going out but am just as happy at home.
I love helping women feel awesome again.
Reading with my kids at night is my favorite part of my day.
I love decorating & organizing for fun.  Cleaning is cool too!

Bonnie Donahue is a successful entrepreneur and business expert helping women and mothers all around the world by teaching them how to live a happy, healthy, and meaningful life.  As a leader in the industry, Bonnie has helped hundreds of women create healthier and safer homes for their families and as the founder of Project Dream International, she has helped teach over a hundred women to become even more successful by working from home.  She has a passion for living out your dreams and she is here to help you live yours.

Don't forget to subscribe because my blog is very moving soon.


  1. Love your update! :) I rarely ever comment, but I love reading your blog and using your tips/techniques!! Thanks for your comment on my blog the other day!! :)

    1. Hi Laci! :)

      THanks so much and thanks for commenting!

      Have a great day!

